
‎ Welcome to Cauldron VTT Guide!

This guide is designed to help you navigate through Cauldron VTT and get the most out of the website.

The main goal of this guide is to provide step-by-step instructions to anything and everything that is possible with Cauldron VTT. In the guide will also provide tips and tricks to Cauldron and resources to ensure you have the best user experience with the website. Whether you're signing up for the first time, exploring different features, or looking for advanced tips, this guide has you covered.

If you know exactly what you're wanting to find but don't know where it is feel free to press the search button and search up some keywords. For example if you're wanting to find out how to add a player to an adventure you could search "adding character to adventure" and it will suggest different areas of the guide that your search terms appear within the guide.

Guide Structure

  • Sign-up Guide: Learn how to create an account and get started.
  • Adventures: Explore the adventure page and everything you need to know about setting up an adventure, playing an adventure, or adding other people to your adventure.
  • Characters: Create and manage your own player character for an adventure.
  • Agenda: Keep your player's in check (and yourself) with a built in calendar.
  • DM's Vault: Learn how to use all the tools available to the DM (GM).
  • Tips & Tricks: Tips and tricks for using Cauldron VTT.
  • Search: If you're not sure where to look, try searching keywords to find what you're looking for within the guide
  • How to: A page dedicated to how to's within cauldron, this includes previous questions that people have already asked in the past
  • Relations: Guide on how to use the relations page and what it is used for.

How to use the Guide

To use this guide begin by pressing a button below. You'll find that some of these pages will lead to other guides in relation to its section. For example the DM's Vault will include additional guides on how to use the "Tokens" page, "Adventures" page, and so on.

Once you've managed to get accustomed to Cauldron VTT website you could try out some tips and tricks for helping you out in an adventure/campaign game.

If you don't know where to start and are new to cauldron try looking at the "sign-up" guide first to learn how to sign up and create an account with cauldron

Guide Index