

What are relations?

Relations are simply the connections of how your players, NPC's, locations, items and more are related to each other. E.g., how a player "thornbric" is related to the local village idiot because they used to drink together.

relations layout

In the image above, you can see an example made for the `Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk` campaign.

You can see that grey is used for location entities, green for the good NPC's etc. You don't have to create your own relation with these exact colours, but it helps understand what the entity is, looking at it from a glance.

Entity colour keys

You could also use the entities to create your own keys, this makes it even easier to know which colours are which.

Creating an entity

On the relations page, choose the right adventure to add your new entity to, and click on the "Add Entity" button.

Adding an entity

Here give it a title or name choose the colour you want this entity to be, and a description of what the entity is. You must have at least a title to be able to successfully create the entity.

Once you've created the entity, you will see that you can now drag that entity and position it anywhere you like.

Adding a relation between two entities

Adding a relation between two entities

Here you choose two entities that are related to each other (or otherwise linked). You cannot link the same 2 entities together.

This relation will add a visual line between the two entities you set. Choose the colour you want the line to be, and the pattern/type you want it to look like. You can set a description for how the two entities are related too, but this can be left blank.

Seeing an Entity's description

To see the description of an entity, double left click on an entity, here you can also edit that entity by doing this too!

Seeing relation's description

Hover over the line between two related entities, you'll see an `i` icon, clicking on this once will show you the description of the relation between the two entities and allow you to edit that relation.