

The character page is for creating your own character in cauldron as a player. Although the DM/GM can use it freely too they won't have as much use for the character's as a player would.

Creating a character

When creating a character you are presented with only a limited amount of parts of a character that you can input and change.

You have the options for: Name, Hit Points, Armour Class, Initiative Bonus, Token Image, and Character sheet. The reason for only having these options is to make cauldron more adaptable for other game systems (e.g., Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu). It is advised that you fill out a PDF character sheet or use an online tool for creating character's such as D&DBeyond for example.

  • Name: This is the required name for your character.
  • Hit Points (HP): The number of hit points (HP) that your character has (If applicable)
  • Armour Class (AC): The total Armour Class that your character has (If applicable)
  • Initiative Bonus: Your character's initiative bonus for combat order (If applicable)


When uploading a token, you must choose the right type of token, so cauldron knows whether you're using a portrait token or a top-down token. When using a top-down image, make sure that it's looking down. Specify the right token type, as this defines the way you move your character via the keyboard.

Examples of Top-down token and a portrait token

Uploading top-down tokens

If you upload a top-down token ensure that the token is facing down as shown in the example, otherwise the token's movement will be backwards.

Character sheet

For the actual character sheet, you have three options. This is of course optional, you don't need to use or attach a character sheet to your character. if you are using a PDF file then choose this choice and upload the PDF. If you are using online tool to create and manage your character (such as D&DBeyond for example) then you can put the full URL with your character. Once you have done this you can save your character.

On the top right of your character you'll see three icons. From left to right
Edit, Alternative Token, and Weapons

Why upload a PDF File or URL

Either the PDF or URL has the same function in cauldron. This only serves so that your DM can view your character's PDF or online character sheet without needing to ask you information about it.

Alternative token

You can add alternative tokens to your character. This is most helpful for character's that can change their shape/type of creature they are. Simply add a name, set the size of the token (medium=1x1 square, large=2x2 square, huge=3x3 square) and upload the token image for that alternative. If your character is a top-down token then this alternative token will also be of that type too.


Here you can define the weapons that your character has to use and dice rolls associated with them. The dice roll can be attack rolls, damage rolls, or any other dice rolls. This has to be d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, or d100. Some examples: 2d20, 1d6+5, 1d10+1d4. You can enter as many weapons as you want here. There is more about this in the adventure section of the guide.