

What is the Adventure Page?

This page is where all your campaigns/adventures are. If you are a DM/GM, this will be where all your created ones are. If you are a player, then this will be where you see adventures that you can spectate or play in.

Adventure Page Overview

The page will look a little different for you depending on whether you have been added to an adventure by your DM/GM or not.

Adventure Page Overview

If you are new, you will see something like this. Refer to the "How To" page in this guide to learn how to join your DM/GM's adventure. This process requires setup from both you and the DM/GM.

Adventure Interface

Once you have access to an adventure, whether as a player or a DM/GM, you will see several buttons. The Introduction button opens a pop-up with a story about the adventure. The Start Adventure button (or Spectate Adventure if you are not yet added) allows you to begin or observe the adventure.

Playing An Adventure

Playing an Adventure