Tips & Tricks
Easily Breaking Windows
Sometimes your players would want or require to break one or more windows. To easily accomodate for this, you could use closed barred doors instaed of regular windows, that way if someone was to break a window you could just open that "door" so there's now a large space where the "window" used to be. By having it as a barred door this would mean you would get bar like fog of war so this is a comprimise option for easier way to "remove" windows
Easily Breaking Walls
Exactly the same as the above trick, except instead of using barred doors, just use a regular door. But don't repalce all of your walls with a door, instead you could try replacing each square of a wall with an individule door, so you can choose which parts of a wall are removed. It's not perfect, but it's one way of removing doors
Using Zone Script to Create a Pit
A zone script has the option when to make a token turn visible or invisible (toggling it's presence). Use the token's name (which you have to set whilst editing the map) to be able to reference a token in the zone's script.
For example a trap/pit. Place a token on the map that would represent the trap/pit. Name the token "trap" and make the name invisible to the players so they don't know it's there. Use the toggle presence option on the trap/pit so that the players can't see it.
Place a new zone script over the trap/pit and give it the following script below
event enter
token trap show